Data privacy policy (as at: July 2024)

This Privacy Policy provides detailed information concerning our treatment of your personal data which we collect in connection with your visit to our website and on other grounds.


1. Responsibility
Responsibility under data protection law rests with


BRmedia Service GmbH (hereinafter “BRmedia” or “we”)
Hopfenstrasse 4
80335 München
Telephone: +49 89 5900 10600

2. Contacting the data protection officer
Our data protection officer can be contacted as follows:


Datenschutz / Data Protection
c/o BRmedia Service GmbH
Hopfenstrasse 4
80335 München
Telephone: +49 89 5900 10777

3. Collecting data by email contact
In the case of a new contact, we are obliged under Arts. 12, 13 GDPR to provide you with the following information concerning data privacy law: Details of email data privacy policy

4. Visiting our website
Every time our website is visited, our system automatically collects data and information from the device accessing the website (e.g. computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.).


4.1. Scope of processing of personal data
• The IP address of the device accessing the website
• The date and time of access
• Resources (images, files, further page content) accessed on our website
• The data volume transferred
• The name of your Internet access provider
• Status report of access success
• ID details of the browser and operating system used, and
• Websites from which the user’s system accessed our website (referrer tracking).


The data listed are saved in our system’s log files (protocol files). They are not saved together with personal data of any specific user. No identification of individual site users is therefore possible.


4.2. Lawful basis
The lawful basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) f GDPR (legitimate interest). Our legitimate interest constitutes achievement of the following purpose.


4.3. Purpose of data processing
Temporary (automatic) saving of data is necessary for the smooth progress of a website visit as the only way to ensure the website can be supplied. Storage and processing of the data also takes place for the purpose of maintaining compatibility of our website for all visitors wherever possible, for combating misuse and for rectifying faults. In these cases it is necessary to log (record) the technical data of the device accessing the website to enable us to respond promptly to display errors, functional faults and system attacks.


4.4. Duration of data storage
Erasure of the data specified above takes place as soon as they are no longer needed, or 60 days after the user’s visit to our website at the latest.

5. Booking tickets

Tickets can be booked in the following ways:

  • Online booking in our web shop
    The web shop is operated in partnership with München Ticket GmbH as contract data processor.

  • Online booking in the München Ticket web shop
    Our website also provides a direct link to the web shop of our partner München Ticket. In this case data collection and contract conclusion are performed by München Ticket itself.
    The data privacy policy of München Ticket GmbH applies: Datenschutzerklärung München Ticket (German only)

  • Online booking in the Eventim web shop (CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KgaA)
    Our website provides a link to the webshop of our partner Eventim. In this case data collection and contract conclusion are performed by Eventim itself.
    The data privacy policy of CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KgaA applies: Information on data protection for the websites of CTS EVENTIM & Co. KGaA

  • Online booking in the Reservix web shop
    Our website provides a link to the webshop of our partner Reservix. In this case data collection and contract conclusion are performed by Reservix itself.
    The data privacy policy of Reservix GmbH applies: Datenschutzerklärung Reservix GmbH (German only)

  • Purchase from a BRmedia telephone ticket sales office or local sales office
    Tickets are booked in the München Ticket system, so that in this case, München Ticket is likewise the contract data processor.
    In the case of telephone bookings, verbal information on data privacy can be given on request. The data privacy policy is displayed at the local sales office.


5.1. Scope of processing of personal data
When you purchase tickets from our web shop, our telephone service or a local sales office, the following items of personal data are collected:
• Title/form of address, first name, name
• Address
• Telephone number
• Email address
• To assess whether concessions apply, the degree of disability may be asked for
• To assess whether concessions apply, proof of student ID may be asked for
• Credit card data, if card payment is used


5.2. Lawful basis
The lawful basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) b GDPR (taking steps prior to entering into a contract; performance of a contract).


5.3. Purposes of data processing
We process your data for the purposes of contacting you with advice/information, processing the payment, and sending you the tickets you have purchased.


5.4. Duration of data storage
Deletion of the data specified above is effected as soon as they are no longer required and the statutory period of retention is over.

6. Customer account
To offer you a pleasant and convenient shopping experience in our web shop, we offer the chance to register by entering your personal details on our website. By doing so, you avoid the need to re-enter your personal details for every order.
We collect master data (e.g. name, address), communication data (e.g. email address) and access data (user name, password) for the registration process.
Customer accounts are likewise operated in partnership with München Ticket GmbH as contract data processor.


6.1. Scope of processing of personal data
When you set up a customer account in our web shop, the following items of personal data are collected:
• Title/form of address, first name, name
• Address
• Telephone number
• Email address
• Access data (user name, password)


6.2. Lawful basis
The lawful basis for processing these data is Art. 6 (1) lit. a, b and f GDPR (a: your consent, b: performance of a contract, f: our legitimate interest).


6.3. Purposes of data processing
The purposes of processing this data are the initiation, conclusion and fulfilment of contracts and simplification of your order process.


6.4. Duration of data storage
You can request us to delete your contact at no cost except for the standard basic cost of sending the communication. A message in text form (email) to or to the contact options listed under this Section 1 (e.g. email, letter) is sufficient. We will then erase your personal data that we have stored, unless we are required to continue storing the data for processing orders or statutory retention obligations apply.

7. Use of the contact form
You can use the “Contact” link to ask us questions about events or other subjects.


7.1. Scope of processing of personal data
When you send us an enquiry using the contact form, we collect the following personal data:

• Name
• Email address
• In some cases: telephone number
• In some cases: possibly other personal data entered by you in the form


7.2. Lawful basis
The lawful basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) b GDPR (taking steps prior to entering into a contract; performance of a contract).


7.3. Purpose of data processing
We process your data for the purpose of contacting you with advice/information.


7.4. Duration of data storage
Deletion of the data specified above is effected as soon as they are no longer required and the statutory period of retention is over.

8. Legal and contractual obligations to provide data
The provision of your data as described in this data protection policy is not required by law or contract.

9. Transfer of your information to third parties
We only transfer your data to third parties when entitled or obliged to do so under applicable law.
Such entitlement applies where you provide consent or where third parties process the data on our behalf: in cases where we do not perform our business activities (e.g. creating and sending advertising material; data analysis; where necessary, data cleansing) ourselves, but commission other contractors to perform them, and these activities involve the processing of your data, we have previously placed those companies under contractual obligation to use the data solely for the purposes for which we have legal entitlement. We are authorized to check those companies in this respect.
In individual cases we may be legally obliged to transfer personal data to official authorities or courts. The data processing involved in these cases is based on legal obligation.

10. Your rights (objection, withdrawal, information, rectification, restriction of processing, erasure, portability, complaint)


10.1. Right to objection
Under Article 21 GDPR, you may object to our processing of your personal data at any time for reasons pertaining to your individual situation. If you submit an objection, we will cease to process your personal data unless able to provide evidence of compelling and legitimate reasons for processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms.
You can submit an objection verbally or in writing. We recommend submission in writing as you then have the possibility of providing and documenting all relevant information. You can use the contact options given in Sections 1 and 2 for the purpose.


10.2 Withdrawal
Further, you have the right to withdraw any consent to data processing you have given, effective in the future. However, the lawfulness of the data processing based on your consent remains unaffected until the right to withdrawal is exercised.
You can submit an objection verbally or in writing. We recommend submission in writing as you then have the possibility of providing and documenting all relevant information. You can use the contact options given in Sections 1 and 2 for the purpose.


10.3. Other rights
Under Art. 15 GDPR, you have the right to request information at any time regarding your personal data saved by us; under Art. 16 GDPR you have the right to request rectification of incorrect data; under Art. 18 GDPR you have the right to restrict processing of your personal data; or under Art. 17 GDPR you may request erasure of your personal data. Further, under specific conditions in accordance with Article 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to transmit your data.
You can submit a corresponding request verbally or in writing. We recommend submission in writing as you then have the possibility of providing and documenting all relevant information. You can use the contact options given in Sections 1 and 2 for the purpose.
Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.
In our case, the competent data protection authority is:


The Broadcasting Data Protection Officer
(for BR, HR, MDR, SR, SWR, WDR, Deutschlandradio and ZDF)
Stephan Schwarze
04360 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 341 3 00 62 40

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